This Flemish city is a leading center of the diamond industry & where legend says the first diamond was cut in 1476

Below you will find the solution for: This Flemish city is a leading center of the diamond industry & where legend says the first diamond was cut in 1476 Jeopardy .

This Flemish city is a leading center of the diamond industry & where legend says the first diamond was cut in 1476 Jeopardy

Possible Solution: A CAM

Since you already solved the question This Flemish city is a leading center of the diamond industry & where legend says the first diamond was cut in 1476 which had the answer A CAM, you can simply go back at the main post to check the other answers. You can do so by clicking the link here Jeopardy June 18 2024

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# Questions
1 Legend says in 1876 a dragon built for the “Ring” cycle had its neck sent to this mideast capital not the right German city
2 It was the largest Christian church until 1989 when it was surpassed by one in Côte dIvoire
3 It goes under your chin to protect your clothes
4 In 1966 the Supreme Court ruled that these taxes in local & state elections were prohibited
5 This legendary game show hosts memoir is Priceless Memories but the actual retail price is $24.99 in hardback
6 A drink like McDonalds Shamrock a babys handheld toy & what you proverbially do with the punches
7 In 1995 the premier of British Columbia quit amid scandal over funds embezzled from a charity version of this game-o
8 Christopher Wrens epitaph at this London cathedral says in Latin if you seek his monument look around you
9 A small shelter maybe of grass
10 The Constitution says the president shall have power to grant reprieves & these for offences against the United States
11 This comedians rollicking autobiography was titled Its Not Easy Being Me with his catchphrase in the subtitle
12 Ridgway Rothko Skywalker & Steinbeck
13 On May 29 2004 Archibald Cox & Sam Dash 2 key figures who probed this 70s affair both passed away
14 The final 4 stations of the cross are inside this Jerusalem church said to be located on the site where Jesus was crucified
15 The part of a bridle that goes in the mouth
16 On June 2 1986 this network began regular live telecasts from the Senate chamber
17 Cancer Schmancer is a memoir by this actress cancer survivor & Screen Actors Guild president
18 Spartacus actor Douglas pediatrician Benjamin & name following the real to mean the genuine article
19 1662s The School for Wives was just one of the works of this comic playwright to scandalize French society
20 The Chapel of the Holy Cross is built into the red rocks of this Arizona most beautiful place on Earth
21 A roll of bills or a mass of gum
22 While the National Park Service is a bureau of the Department of the Interior the Forest Service is an agency of this department
23 Theres not much this performer from the Jackass series wouldnt do including titling his memoir Professional Idiot
24 Last name of Sherlock Holmes partner in (solving) crime & a real spasmodic muscle pain in the neck
25 One lump or a lot more? Also called the Oil Reserves Scandal this 1920s imbroglio led to prison time for the Sec. of the Interior
26 The Viennese call this cathedral Steffl; its largest bell is pummerin (boomer in English)
27 Projecting part of a wheel that transforms rotary into linear motion
28 The chief officer of the Government Accountability Office is given this General title
29 Dracula Frankensteins creature & Saruman the White on film he titled his tell-all Tall Dark & Gruesome
30 A foam you work yourself into to wash dishes using water & to do a task over & over & over
31 Reagan dismissed this Marine after his role in Iran-Contra; he was later convicted of obstructing Congress
32 With dueling illegal Alexander Hamilton & Aaron Burr shot it out at Weehawken New Jersey a quiet spot along this river
33 This Neil Diamond hit says Good times never seemed so good
34 Im gonna live forever baby remember my name is a lyric from this 1980 winner from the film of the same name
35 Xerophytes are plants that have adapted to living in locales where this is in limited supply
36 It was the best of times it was the worst of times
37 Used as a calorie-free sweetener this powder is hundreds of times as sweet as cane sugar
38 Rosa Parks was on the Cleveland Avenue bus in this city when she sat down for her rights in 1955
39 An extinct volcano crater it was once a ceremonial place the ancient Hawaiians used for worship & human sacrifice
40 Oscar had a friend in this man when his song We Belong Together from Toy Story 3 took the Academy Award for 2010
41 Common names for plants are all over the place; Caria japonica is one of many called this Lone Star state flower of song
42 My name is Marius. And yours? Cosette
43 This Italian game similar to lawn bowling is played with wooden balls on a long narrow gravel court
44 Mathematician Gaspard Monge was on Napoleons 1798 expedition to this country where he studied the physics of mirages
45 F. Scott Fitzgerald entitled a 1922 story The Diamond As Big As this swanky hotel
46 This favorite sung by Bing Crosby from the film Holiday Inn took the Song Oscar for 1942
47 Named for the Greek goddess of the rainbow this perennial can come in bearded varieties
48 The shows not over until the mockingjay sings
49 Also known as the javelina this new world piggy can weight 60 pounds
50 Before Hannibal could cross the Alps he had to bring his army through this other European mountain range
51 This type of rattlesnake of the Southwest accounts for hundreds of bites every year
52 This 1986 film featured Take My Breath Away which took away the Oscar
53 Important to botanists it can be an arrangement of dried plants for study or a building housing those plants
54 Stay gold Ponyboy. Stay gold
55 This type of musical composition for keyboards is written in the style of an improvisation to show off a players technique
56 When it became historic in 1215 the name of this spot by the Thames meant meadow on council island
57 This 2008 Song winner from Slumdog Millionaire has a title that means may victory be yours in Hindi
58 Pollination begins when pollen from the anther of one flowering plant reaches this tip of the pistil of another
59 Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again
60 This bone in the lower back section of the skull forming part of its base
61 Legend says in 1876 a dragon built for the first Ring cycle had its neck sent to this Mideast capital not the right German city

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# Questions
1 A 1927 N.Y. Times Headline: Witness Testifies this woman rewrote play and insisted on the spicy scenes because city liked them
2 Blood will have blood says this title character who is later told be bloody bold & resolute
3 In a state of shock on Nov. 27 1978 she announced that both Mayor Moscone & Supervisor Harvey Milk have been shot & killed
4 Named for a Spanish Queen this Pacific Island chain was a starting point for famous explorations of 1960 & 2012
5 Frank Sinatra got upset that a photo of him caught fire in a Brooklyn pizzeria in this film
6 A 1976 report initiated by Admiral Rickover found it was an internal not external explosion that caused the destruction of this
7 A Sir since 2018 he contracted TB as a teen in 1953 & spent 8 years in a sanatorium where he learned to play the drums
8 Of the 15 countries formed by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 this one is alphabetically last
9 Zvartnots International Airport serves this capital & has the code EVN all letters found in the citys name
10 A radical in an 1833 failed uprising in Germany Ludwig von Rochau coined this term for acts taken for practical reasons not ethics is created by fans, for fans. The Jeopardy! game show and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Jeopardy Productions, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Jeopardy Productions, Inc