Jeopardy March 20 2021 answers

On this page you will find the Jeopardy March 20 2021 answers and Solutions. We have just finished solving all the 7 crossword clues found today in the puzzle and we have listed them below. Simply click on any of the clues you are having difficulties finding the solution for and a new page with the answer will pop up.

# Question
1 In Luke 2 they're abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night
2 It's the merry 2-word name for the skull & crossbones flag
3 Due to concerns with how this tally for 1920 was run Congress was not reapportioned for the decade
4 A hot day is a good time for this jiggly treat America's most famous dessert
5 Originally this 6-letter type of tower was for warfare & had no bells inside--how batty
6 2632 consecutive games played from May 30 1982 through September 19 1998
7 In Matthew 4 Jesus is walking by the Sea of Galilee when he sees 2 brothers doing this job & recruits them
8 These ships in the Royal Navy flew pirate flags upon surfacing while returning to port after sinking enemy ships during war
9 Now a state capital it beat out Golden to become the first city in the territory to connect to the Union Pacific railroad
10 Despite the name there's no booze in the dish seen here
11 A fable gives us the phrase bell this animal meaning a very dangerous task (especially for the rats)
12 Hit safely in 56 consecutive games for Major League record 1941
13 Genesis 10 says Nimrod was a mighty this before the Lord
14 A black flag is scary enough but a pirate ship flying this color flag meant no quarter given a very bad omen
15 In 1791 this man beat Philip Schuyler Alexander Hamilton's father-in-law for a New York Senate seat
16 The Dutch word kool doesn't mean cool it means cabbage & led to the name of this chilled salad
17 Also the name of a high school-set sitcom this phrase for timely intervention comes from boxing
18 Managed Dodgers... claiming to 'bleed Dodger blue'... championships in 1981 and 1988
19 Skeptical folks in a synagogue ask Is not this the ____the son of Mary...?
20 A skeleton flag is associated with this man & his ship the Queen Anne's Revenge
21 In November 1774 a year after the one in Boston Charleston had one of these in its harbor
22 Try the yellow kind of this with varieties like yellow doll & crema Saskatchewan
23 A Roman Catholic excommunication rite famously involved this trio
24 'The Say Hey Kid' also the first to top both 300 homers and 300 steals
25 Jesus calls these old-time copyists hypocrites & tells them Woe unto you
26 Act I of this Gilbert & Sullivan operetta has the lyric Oh better far to live and die/ Under the brave black flag I fly
27 In 1840 this former president went to St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans to honor an event that occurred 25 years earlier
28 Though the rest of the world mostly knows the cold Andalusian style of this soup some Spaniards eat it hot
29 The bathyscaphe evolved from this bell
30 Greatest drawing card in history of baseball
31 In 2007 this Irish rocker had a distinct edge in getting a knighthood
32 With a shape resembling a seahorse the hippocampus is a region of this organ
33 A preliminary election such as New Hampshire's famous presidential one
34 The Chippewa National Forest's Lake Winnibigoshish is one of the 10000 or so in this state
35 Part one of this Tony Kushner play features Roy Cohn & a divine winged messenger
36 The 2019 entry of the Avengers franchise was called this a term that denotes the final stages of a chess contest
37 In 2005 the KBE Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire was conferred on this billionaire
38 You'll find auricles as parts of the ears & in the atria which are parts of this organ
39 A landlocked nation of South America
40 Lake Mead has the capacity to store 35 billion cubic meters of water behind this landmark
41 In this Frank Loesser musical a window washer finds the title book & fittingly starts to climb the corporate ladder
42 In MMORPG the last 4 letters stand for online role-playing game & the first 2 letters stand for this
43 You'd think England would've had enough of stormin' Normans but this general got a knighthood in 1991
44 Adipose cell is another name for this cell
45 A condition of extreme dishonor applied to a date in a speech by FDR
46 Toronto & Oswego New York are ports on this Great Lake that reaches a depth of over 800 feet
47 Set in Chicago's Southside this Lorraine Hansberry play centers on the tribulations of the Younger family
48 Reagan asked if the plot of this 1983 movie could happen in real life; a general later replied it's worse than you think
49 In 2009 the year of his death this senator from Massachusetts was made an honorary knight
50 These endocrine glands secrete the hormones epinephrine & cortisol
51 Desire to harm; the Supreme Court has said it's necessary for libel
52 Big bull sharks are thought to use the San Juan River to make the 120-mile journey inland to this largest lake of Central America
53 Can't find your way? This Neil Simon title mentions a city on the Hudson north of the Bronx
54 Benedict Cumberbatch starred as enigma code-breaking Alan Turing in this 2014 film
55 In 2004 this tireless tracker of Nazi war criminals was honored by the queen
56 Seen here among other organs this organ has clumps of lymphocytes white blood cells that release antibodies to kill viruses
57 Spanish word for a saloon of the southwestern United States
58 This super-deep Russian lake near the Mongolian border covers more than 12000 square miles
59 A British king frees his wife from imprisonment for Christmas in this feline play set in the 12th century
60 The ABC game show Don't had this Piranha 3D star asking the contestants to do ridiculous tasks


"Jeopardy!" is a classic game show -- with a twist. The answers are given first, and the contestants supply the questions. Three contestants, including the previous show's champion, compete in six categories and in three rounds (with each round's "answers" being worth more prize money). In the third round, "Final Jeopardy," the contestants can name their own jackpot -- as long as it's within the amount of money they've already earned. If a player finishes the second round with zero dollars, they are eliminated from "Final Jeopardy." The first version of "Jeopardy!," which aired from 1964 to 1975 on NBC, was hosted by Art Fleming. Alex Trebek is the current host; he began with the program in 1984 (at the start of its syndicated run).

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# Questions
1 Maybe because he was too Baroque Bernini was rejected as a name for a member of this group created in 1983
2 The Atlantic says courts have consistently ruled police have no specific duty to protect anyone except them
3 Julius Nyerere was the first president of this country that in 1964 merged with Zanzibar to become Tanzania
4 Fassi in Rome is this type of shop where we guess Italian kids are taken for sweet treats after the soccer match
5 Shelley: O wild ____ ____thou breath of autumns being
6 Surrounded by 5 others its central to the Central Asia stans
7 In happier times (1989) Joan Didion did a Gap ad with this daughter who was named after state in the Yucatán
8 As weve all been told federal law--14 CFR 135.127 if youre curious--prohibits tampering with disabling or destroying these
9 This last name of Jomo the first prime minister of independent Kenya contains the name of his country
10 In law theyre the type of damages based on your proven loss like the value of that flugelhorn is created by fans, for fans. The Jeopardy! game show and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Jeopardy Productions, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Jeopardy Productions, Inc