Here's a little song I wrote you might want to sing it note for note

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Here's a little song I wrote you might want to sing it note for note Jeopardy

Possible Solution: DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY

Since you already solved the question Here's a little song I wrote you might want to sing it note for note which had the answer DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY, you can simply go back at the main post to check the other answers. You can do so by clicking the link here Jeopardy September 30 2021

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# Questions
1 Things to do in this city include seeing its mint that opened in 1906 & taking in a game at Coors Field
2 Via a webcam in the north of Scotland keep an eye out for this legendary creature in its watery abode
3 To solemnly pledge to undertake an action
4 Unknown to science until 2007 the Lesula monkey was discovered in this Democratic Republic of Central Africa
5 There are 3 of the same vowel in this term for the exclusive control of a product or service by one business or group
6 It's the thrill of the fight rising up to the challenge of our rival
7 This state is the nation's least populous at just under 600000
8 In 2017 more than 14 million people tuned in live on the day that April one of these creatures gave birth
9 To deplete something's energy or weaken it gradually
10 The bellow of this Western Hemisphere dweller is described as deafening so we're seeing the monkey not hearing it
11 Under this liability a shareholder cannot lose more money than they've invested in a company
12 You know I feel so dirty when they start talking cute I wanna tell her that I love her but the point is probably moot
13 Oh for an ocean breeze! In August 2020 the average high in this southwestern capital city was 111 degrees Fahrenheit
14 In 2019 a webcam captured the fire that collapsed this 850-year-old cathedral's spire & roof
15 To clear a pool table by hitting all the balls in the pockets in a row
16 Like a group of Girl or Boy Scouts a group of monkeys is known as this & can have as many as 800 members
17 This type of account book listing debts & credits dates back at least to the Renaissance as shown here
18 There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives it's true we'll make a better day just you and me
19 This large national memorial that's about 25 miles southwest of Rapid City South Dakota was named for a New York lawyer
20 In 2021 this hot spot on Sicily put on quite a show for viewers of its webcam
21 To tell an insignificant or childish lie
22 Spider monkeys are susceptible to this Anopheles mosquito-borne disease & are used in lab studies to combat it
23 From the Latin for untouchable it's a term for assets such as patents logos or customer love
24 Did you ever know that you're my hero? & everything I would like to be I can fly higher than an eagle for you are the...
25 Not to be confused with the Boston area's Mass Ave Mass Street is a center of University of Kansas life in this city
26 Look out for sharks on an underwater cam 34 miles off the coast of this state's Cape Fear
27 To add additional unjustified expenses to an account
28 This shy & reclusive monkey seen here lives in equatorial rain forest & is known for its colorful face
29 The 2017 tax bill changed things for these businesses so-named because their revenue goes right to the tax returns of owners
30 The early Renoir seen here is titled this type of space in the Woods
31 Though this MasterChef judge was brought up in Stratford-upon-Avon his language isn't exactly Shakespearean
32 With a 72-year reign over France from 1643 to 1715 he's the longest-ruling king in European history
33 How sweet! In 1919 Max Planck & this other German physicist nominated each other for Nobel prizes
34 Inspired by the author's hometown of Monroeville Maycomb Alabama is the setting for this 1960 classic
35 Harmony the opposite of discord
36 As it reaches into the sky it makes sense for the highest peak in Wyoming's Bighorn Mountains to be named for this object
37 After taking things One Day at a Time in the '80s she started doing her Home Cooking on the Food Network
38 Seen here is a tsunami map of the great earthquake of this European capital that took place in 1755
39 Pearl Buck W.H. Auden & C.S. Lewis all nominated this North of Boston poet for Literature but he never won
40 14-year-old Lily finds her way to Tiburon S.C. & the Boatwright sisters in Sue Monk Kidd's The Secret Life of these
41 A hanging sculpture moved by air currents
42 Bunratty Castle the most complete one in Ireland is one of the many attractions of this county
43 Because of Pillsbury this competition show from across the pond has a slightly different title for U.S. viewing
44 After the second of these wars between Carthage & Rome Spain was divided into provinces called Hispania Ulterior & Citerior
45 In 1962 JFK nominated this first lady from an earlier administration for the Nobel Peace Prize
46 Colson Whitehead's novel about these Boys is based on abuse & worse at a real reform school in the Jim Crow Era
47 A flat-topped landform wider than a butte
48 Artists often depicted this muse of history keeping her records
49 In 2021 this actor went Searching for Italy on CNN enjoying family kitchens & some amazing scenery
50 In 2011 Czechs observed a period of mourning after the death of this president poet & playwright
51 It might ring a bell that 33 people nominated this Russian for the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1901; he won it in 1904
52 Set in rural Georgia this novel told in the form of letters won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction
53 A luminous event in the upper atmosphere
54 It's basically a cherry pie with a fancy French name
55 Mariska Hargitay & Michelle Obama have been guests on Ina Garten's show called this also an Ava Gardner title role
56 A famous one of these 4-letter groups assembled at Worms in 1521
57 When Luigi Pirandello won in 1934 he was nominated by this countryman a 1909 winner for physics
58 Originally in a Savannah cemetery a mysterious statue called Bird Girl appears on the cover of this John Berendt bestseller
59 A dessert of biscuit or ladyfinger with cream filling

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"Jeopardy!" is a classic game show -- with a twist. The answers are given first, and the contestants supply the questions. Three contestants, including the previous show's champion, compete in six categories and in three rounds (with each round's "answers" being worth more prize money). In the third round, "Final Jeopardy," the contestants can name their own jackpot -- as long as it's within the amount of money they've already earned. If a player finishes the second round with zero dollars, they are eliminated from "Final Jeopardy." The first version of "Jeopardy!," which aired from 1964 to 1975 on NBC, was hosted by Art Fleming. Alex Trebek is the current host; he began with the program in 1984 (at the start of its syndicated run).

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# Questions
1 Turned into a Nazi headquarters in 1933 the nightspot Eldorado is said to have inspired this fictional place
2 Physicist John Wheeler said he coined this term as a faster way to say completely collapsed objects
3 A 1927 N.Y. Times Headline: Witness Testifies this woman rewrote play and insisted on the spicy scenes because city liked them
4 Blood will have blood says this title character who is later told be bloody bold & resolute
5 In a state of shock on Nov. 27 1978 she announced that both Mayor Moscone & Supervisor Harvey Milk have been shot & killed
6 Named for a Spanish Queen this Pacific Island chain was a starting point for famous explorations of 1960 & 2012
7 Frank Sinatra got upset that a photo of him caught fire in a Brooklyn pizzeria in this film
8 A 1976 report initiated by Admiral Rickover found it was an internal not external explosion that caused the destruction of this
9 A Sir since 2018 he contracted TB as a teen in 1953 & spent 8 years in a sanatorium where he learned to play the drums
10 Of the 15 countries formed by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 this one is alphabetically last is created by fans, for fans. The Jeopardy! game show and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Jeopardy Productions, Inc. and are protected under law. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Jeopardy Productions, Inc
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